Performance Upgrades:
- Highly Increased Application/Gaming frame rates
- Increased Response Rate (Now touchscreen will be more responsive)
- CPU frames render was increased.This will result in a smooth phone experience.
- Music Player response highly increased (Instantly pauses/plays on clicking the buttons)
- Reduced effects complexity which should result in a speed increase
- Increased Heap Size further to boost up performance
- Lags in Menu, messaging and Other Large Applications removed
- 80MB+ on C:\ (Phone memory)
- Average RAM: 45-50 MB free
- Smooth Kinetic Scrolling
- Music Player is now a lot more faster!
- CPU mod optimized to get complete stability and a great battery life!

General Modifications :
- "Restart phone" Option instead of "Lock Screen and Keys" in Power Menu by CODeRUS.
- Full Anna icon pack by binh24 used. (With 0 bugs) Now icons change according to the theme applied.
- C5-03 Tap to Unlock and N8 dialer added (Green call icon)
- PC/OVI Suite will recognise your phone as Nokia C6-00.
- All C6 lights problem fixed. (V3 mod by mara)
- Camera will not eat RAM after closing it.
- Default Browser user agent changed to the one of  C6-00. So OVI store and some other sites will recognise your phone as Nokia C6-00
- C5-03 Keyboard Layout added.
- Camera Sound will be disabled if you use Capture Tone 1.
- Display lights timeout and automatic keyguard time set to 59 seconds.
- Default bluetooth name: Vortex
- FOTA reserved space removed to get more space in C:\ (Phone Memory)
- USB now will name as 5800-C6
- RAM Cache in E:\
- Blazing Fast Screen Rotation
- CPU load decreased (Get a very fast phone)
- Disabled lock/unlock vibration
- Disabled My Nokia Service
- Auto optimization of RAM cache for keeping up your phone faster even after heavy usage
- Default Web Browser bookmarks are edited.
- Blank UDA supplied to get highest possible free space on C:\
- Lags in Menu removed. The Kinetic Scrolling is optimized (It is no very fast not very slow)
- Display rotation is OFF by default
- Breathing light is OFF by default
- Digital clock set as default. N8 Clock fonts used so the digital clock now looks like the N8 clock
- Display light turns OFF and Phone gets locked in 59 seconds
- N8 Fonts Used
- Operator Logo ON/OFF settings available in display settings
- Delivery Reports OFF by default in Messaging
- Theme effects are ON by default
- Removed "Check for Updates" in Device Update
- "Summary after call" and "speed dialing" ON by default
- "In call timer" ON by default
- Profile "General" renamed to "Vortex"
- Homescreen landscape enabled. Dialer landscape disabled
- Lags in Messaging apps removed
- Smooth brightness setting (30 level instead of 5)
- N8 Font with full support for symbols and smiley size bug fixed

Bugs Fixed :
- Nokia's idiotic Radio bug completely fixed. Now RDS works fine!
- Now Messaging app doesn't show two New e-mail options anymore.
- Now Messaging app doesn't lag when scrolling through a long messages list.
- All light bugs are fixed by mara-
- Connectivity settings now fixed and can enter it easily.
- Voice command enabled on startup.
- Camera already in use bug fixed.
- TV-Out now fixed

- Widgetized Nokia C6 Homescreen
- Full widgets support
- 3 Additional shortcuts bar. Total : 5
- Add notification widget
- Remove "download content" from options.
- Remove HELP from options

Graphical Personalisations:
- Vortex Splashscreen and Shutdownscreen.
- S60 Startup animation with new bootscreen sound
- New shutdown sound
- Theme effects : Fast N8 theme effect edited by ME
- New vortex default HS wallpaper

Installation Features:
- Java permission HACK
- Phone hack (use installserver patch)
- SwiPolicy changed which enable to install almost apps without RomPatcher patch (Works 99%)
- Secure Widget Preinstall (OVI Store Installer) removed

Lights Behaviour:
- All C6 lights bugs are fixed. (V3 Mod by mara)
- Green Charging light disabled.

- New version of Nokia Browser like Symbian Anna
- Download manager will be started on browser start-up to resume
- Browser will prompt to continue download if there was a power failure
- Browser Cache moved to E:\ and increased to 50MB

File Manager:
- Nokia default file manager can send sisx, sis, jar and any protected items via bluetooth, mms and uploads

- Camera will not leave in background after close it (SAVE RAM)
- Voice recorder set to High quality
- Camera Image Quality improved
- Gallery searching improved
- Share Online removed in Photos Homescreen
- OVI Music removed in Music Homescreen
- Video Capture predifined frame rate increased
- Music Player will read E:\Sounds\Music\
- Music player refresh faster
- Music Player is now a lot faster!
- "Go to Music Store" option in library replace with "Go to Music Timer"
- Add Vortex equalizer in equalizer list
- Real Player integrate in Videos folder
- "Videos & TV" rename to "Videos"

- Extended menu mod
- Using P:3x4 L:2x6 Menu grid
- Center text on softkey
- Anna icons by binh24 are used. Some of icons are modded and edited by ME
- All Lags in Menu removed
- "Show Open Apps" Removed
- Optimized to run very fast and smooth (Tweaked KS in Menu)

- Smiley support in message editor
- Auto rotate full screen Qwerty keyboard (4 rows)
- Remove Mini Qwerty keyboard
- 6 pages of symbol in messaging
- Integrate Conversation application in messaging list
- Messages sent by you will be saved up to 999 messages
- Delivery reports OFF by default
- Messaging application no longer lags when containing large number of messages.
- Remove "Message:" on message editor field

- Nokia theme Evolve (default)
- Nokia theme Dark
- Nokia theme Blue
- Nokia theme Orange
- Nokia theme Pink
- Nokia theme Purple

Applications updated/added:
- Maps 3.06 integrated
- New Music Player 15.2 with lyrics support.
- ROMPatcher+ 3.1 by Il.Socio
- Nokia File Browser
- KillMe
- Autoinstaller
- X-plore
- Superscreenshot
- App UID Viewer
- Google Maps
- Music Stopper (In music folder)
- DzMusicKey (In music folder, ON by default)
- BTSwitch
- AccelSwitch (on Media key)
- Easy keylock
- VirtualKeyboard
- Phonetorch

Applications removed:
- About
- Accessory Setup
- Active notes
- Adobe Reader
- Chat
- Here and Now
- My Nokia
- Ovi Music
- Ovi Store
- Ovi Sync
- Ovi Contact
- Podcasting
- Quick Office
- Share Online (replace with AccelSwitch)
- Software Update
- Switch
- Welcome
- Zip Manager

Supplied patches :
- *Install Server RP+ (Install Unsigned Apps)
- *All Patches Vortex
- Block All Key Light
- Block Internet
- c2z patch
- e2z patch

*Need to apply "Add to Auto" in rompatcher options

-> Based on C6 V20.0.042 for 5800 V52 ported by binh24
-> Can be used for 5800 V52 and 5800 V51.
-> Use N8 Icon Pack by mara-.
-> Vortex HS shortcut settings on default
-> Swipe to Unlock with auto-rotate
-> Digital clock set on default
-> Touchscreen stiffness are improved. Touchscreen now more sensitive.
-> Auto keyguard time are enabled. Set 59s on default.
-> Intergrated X-plore 1.45 with N8 Icons.
-> Improving video capture.
-> Added new themes. All themes are light for good performance.
-> Center text on Options box like s^3.
-> Smooth brightness adjustment mod by newcooler.
-> Device update info are change (add CFW creator)
-> Add Global Race Racing Thunder games as built in.
-> Use swipe to Unlock by newcooler
-> Use light mod v2 by mara-(Dimming feature).
-> Replacing Share Online on mediabar with Acellswitch (Also change the Icon)
-> Use latest Ovi Maps 3.06 (Can update maps)
-> Remove vibration on side lock to save battery.
-> SIS file and other stuff can be send over bluetooth (for File manager and File Browser)
-> Use themes effects that more similar with N8 themes effects. Effects are optimized for better performance.
-> Have changed DzMusicKey and Music Stopper icon in Music suite Menu.
-> Improving Image camera quality.
-> Add ovistore in Internet folder. It doesn't install Ovistore when open it but go direct to the Ovistore site.
-> Add Rompatcher+ 2.5 and EasyKeylock apps.
-> Remove Software Update, PhoNetInfo, Auto Installer, FontRouterMan, and Sorcerer 1.50.
-> "Restart phone" instead of "lock screen and key" on power button options.
-> Optimizing CPU speed for better battery consumption.
-> Battery now can reach for 2 day in normal used.

-> Based on C6 V20.0.042 for 5800 V52 ported by binh24
-> Can be used for 5800 V52 and 5800 V51.
-> TV-OUT fixed and working perfectly.
-> Email fixed and working perfectly.
-> Enable Voice Command features.
-> Camera "Already in use" bug fixed.
-> Redefined some files and mod all of them for better performance.
-> Remove S60 white (nokia theme white) theme and add two new themes, S60 Green (GoB lite by IND190) and S60 Purple (PoB lite by IND190).
-> You can activate your screen display in (keyguard mode off) by touch the screen and no need to hit center or white button (Thanks to mara- for this fix).
-> Default rotating in Web Browser depend to accelerometer sensor.
-> Theme effects mod to be fast when open folder in menu.
-> Can install Adobe Reader and Quickoffice without "Already built-in" bug.
-> Music player updated to 15.2 with show lyrics on playing feature.
-> Qwerty keyboard now in 4 rows (numbers on top row).
-> Lags in photos when browsing for previous and next pictures now fixed.
-> New icon for File Browser and BT Switch.
-> Sensor off by default.
-> Add Remove Red LED patch in AllPatches5800.rmp
-> Add DzMusicKey apps in music menu.
-> Remove Ovi Contacts.
-> RDS Radio bug fixed.
-> Two "New Email" Option bug fixed but can't fix messaging lags when use this mod.
-> Add new bookmarks in Web Browser.
-> Display Light timeout set to 25s by default.

->based on C6 Firmware 20.0.041 ported by BINH24
      +Thanks to binh24 for the ported firmware.
      +Better baterry performance
      +Better stability and RAM Management
      +Symbian^3 like dialer
      +Updated Web Browser
      +Updated OVI Store
      +Updated OVI Maps
      +Updated Java Virtual Machine
->new simple vortex splash screen added
->new apps in rom:
      +notifications with widget
->new apps list in music menu(music player sleep timer)
->blinking bug in popup boxs fixed
->fast response music player
->new icon for autoinstaller
->Launch autoinstaller to auto and fast install FontRouterLT, TTPod player, JBenchMarkACE(with new icon), UninstallKing, Xplore
->Set Samsung startup and shutdown sound
->change shutdown message from 'Goodbye!' to 'Shutdown!'
->N8 kinetic scrolling
->N8 font as default font
->N8 looks swype to unlock
->NEW clean Vortex themes effect modded by ME
->OVI MAPS v3.06
->double email in create message option now fixed
->Modded theme:
      +S60 Dark (DARK by IND190)default
      +S60 Blue(BoB by IND190)
      +S60 Black(Nokia Theme Black)
      +S60 White(Nokia Theme White)
->redefined CPU, heap size, and cache size value
->Removed OVI Sync as OVI Contacts has been disabled
->Disabled Messaging, Clock, Calendar, and Log from not closing when exit.This will increase available RAM on prolonged usage
->When entering Device Updates from your Phone, it still shows "Check for Updates".This has been removed to prevent users from accidentally trying to update which causes a bricked device

- Vortex Splash Screen edit to be more dark (like my wallpaper)
- QuickOffice and adobe reader 'already built-in' bug fixed
- MemSpy app added
- improve cpu speed
- improve system cache
- recognize as Nokia C6 when browsing
- mixed theme effect (slide + glide) turbo mod by me
- extreme heap size mod
- Java hacked (always allowed)
- swype to unlock in landscape
- Music player exit open menu bug fixed
- removeconnect, servers, check updates and settings from options in device manager (*#0000#)
- camera 'already in use' bug fixed
- Media Bar bug fixed
- startup tone is set (Laser)
- default theme change to S60 Dark (DARK by IND190)
- set installed application will go to installations folder as default not applications folder anymore

- Lights bug fix when autolock

- Many files redefined to get the fastest settings possible
- Highly Increased Application/Gaming frame rates
- Increased Response Rate (Now touch screen will be more responsive)
- Music Player response highly increased (Instantly pauses/plays on clicking the buttons)
- Reduced effects complexity which should result in a speed increase
- Increased Heap Size further to boost up performance
- Lags in Menu, messaging and Other Large Applications removed
- Polished the UI for heavy usage
- Phone will never slow down and the RAM won’t be decreasing (RAM Caching modded)
- 79MB+ on C:\ (Phone memory)
- Average RAM: 54MB free
- Fastest Kinetic Scrolling
- Real Hack! (No need to use installserver.rmp patch anymore)


- Voice Commands Enabled
- GPRS Connection status Enabled
- Nokia SMS Sending (My Nokia) Disabled
- Tapping Mode added: Shake to get phone silent/snooze Alarm and Calls
- Default bluetooth name: Vortex
- Number of message sent saved increase from 20 to 999 by default
- Now you can record up to 10 Hours
- Voice recording quality set to highest by default
- Voice recording during call fixed
- RAM Cache in C:\ for better performance
- Browser Cache increased to 10MB and moved to E:\
- Super Fast Screen Rotation
- CPU load decreased (Get a very fast phone)
- Enabled lock/unlock vibration(single)
- Keylights bugs fix (like 5800xm)
- Kinetic Scrolling disabled in short lists
- Disabled My Nokia Service
- Zero start up of background applications
- Auto optimization of RAM cache for keeping up your phone faster even after heavy usage
- Blank UDA supplied to get highest possible free space on C:\
- Default theme set to “S6O Black” (BoB by IND190)
- Lags in Menu removed. The Kinetic Scrolling is fast
- Default Fonts Used
- Pressing 0 from dialer will launch KillMe anytime instead of browser. Thus you can access KillMe anytime
   as a task manager
- Operator Logo ON/OFF settings available in homescreen settings
- Screensaver options available
- New CPU settings to boost performance
- Delivery Reports ON by default in Messaging
- Full character support is ON by default in Messaging
- Theme effects ON by default
- “Summary after call” and “speed dialing” ON by default
- “In call timer” ON by default
- Profile “General” renamed to “Vortex”
- Tacticle Vibration Feedback turned OFF in General profile (Vortex) by default
- Light Sensor set to 50% and lights time-out set to 10 seconds by default (Saves Battery)
- “Confirm SMS Services” set to ON by default
- Put your own startup.mp3 in E:\data\boot\ to get your own bootsound anytime
- Homescreen landscape enabled. Dialer landscape disabled
- Lags in Messaging apps removed
- Message Reader application fixed
- Optimized to get better battery life


- Ovi Maps 3.04
- Google Maps 4.1 (latest)
- GPS optimized for faster locking


- Widgeted Nokia C6 Homescreen
- Swipe to get only clock, profile and date on homescreen


- Vortex Splashscreen
- Vortex Shutdown screen
- S60 Startup Screen
- Xtreme Menu Mod (add navigation, internet, media, games, tools, and installation folders)
- Bootscreen volume set to: 8.0
- Light Intensity set to 50% light by default
- Theme Effects: Slide (mods to be faster)


- Real Hack (added modded installserver.exe)
- SwiPolicy changed which enable to install almost apps without RomPatcher patch (Works 99%)
- Hacked Java permission (always allowed)


- Some Important Bookmarks edited
- Nokia Useless Default Bookmark Folders Removed
- Added “View Images” in options>Display Settings
- Download manager will be started on browser start-up to resume
- Cache moved to E:\ and increased to 10MB
- Auto landscape


- Nokia default file browser can send sisx, sis, jar and any protected items via bluetooth, mms and


- Camera sound is disabled if Capture tone#1 is used
- Camera will not leave in background after close it (SAVES RAM)
- Camera quality highly improved utilizing full 3.2 MP Camera
- Video Capture Quality improved to get High Detail Videos


- Music Player Reads only E:\Sounds\Music\
- Refresh faster
- Add 5800xm audio codec for better sound like 5800xm.
- Add TTPod player in music menu. (you must install TTPod player - recommended TTpod 3.71


- Xtreme Menu 3×4 Layout (I like this menu layout)
- All Lags in Menu removed
- Add navigation, internet, media, games, tools, and installation folders)


- S60 Black (BoB by IND190) - default
- Nokia Theme Black
- S60 Dark (DARK by IND190)
- S60 Fresh (FRESH^3 by IND190)


- RomPatcher+ (Removed Startup Note) – add RomPatcherAuto.exe in z:\sys\bin\
- Autoinstaller v1.2
- KillMe
- File Browser
- AutoInstaller
- DzMusicKey (autostart: mapping your red, green, camera key as music key when keylocked)
- Application Uid Viewer
- Photo Browser


-Active Notes
-My Nokia
-Ovi Music
-Ovi Store
-Ovi Sync
-QuickOffice, Adobe PDF, Zip Manager
-Share Online


- FOTA reserved spaces in C: deleted: gain 5MB
- Autocreation of folders
- Python folders in menu
- Cache folders in E:\
- E:\Sounds\Music\


AllPatches5800.rmp -> Contains all usefull patches (DisableEnhNote, DisableUSSDNotes,
                               GlobalNoteFix, NoProfileSwitchNote, Open4All, RemovePalbTN,
                               RemoveRecordTone, RestartOnPowerButton,)
c2z.rmp                -> Maps Z: to C: for some files
Block Internet.rmp  -> Blocks GPRS and WLAN